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Preliminary Information Form

This Preliminary Information Form aims to inform the BUYER about the issues included in its content within the framework of the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502 and the Distance Contracts Regulation prepared based on the 48th and 84th articles of this Law and the regulations in the Regulation on Amendments to the Distance Contracts Regulation.

BUYER must read and review the provisions contained in this Preliminary Information Form carefully and in detail. By confirming electronically that he has read the Preliminary Information Form, the BUYER declares and accepts that he has been informed about the matters specified in this form.

The BUYER, who accepts the Distance Selling Agreement by confirming his order, declares that his order means payment obligation; With this Preliminary Information Form, he declares and accepts that he will be under the obligation to pay the prices written in the Distance Sales Agreement and that he has been informed about this, with the confirmation given electronically.


TITLE : Sarmaşık Giyim İnş. Food Elec. Singing. Foreign Trade Sun. Inc.

ADDRESS : Ehlibeyt Mah. Tekstilciler Cad. No:25/B Interior Door No:2 06520

Çankaya / ANKARA

TRADE REGISTRY DIRECTORATE : Ankara Trade Registry Office
MERSIS NUMBER : 0751042488500026
PHONE : (0312) 472 29 87
FAX : _____________
CUSTOMER SERVICES NO : 0850 302 64 64



TELEPHONE :……………………..



Product name and Basic Features Quantity Installment Total Amount (TL)

……………………………………. …. …...

VAT ..….

Shipping cost .…..

Grand total .…..


The name, type, quantity, sales price and similar basic characteristics of the product subject to the contract are stated above. Detailed information and features of the product are available on the SELLER's website. BUYER can review the detailed features of the product on the SELLER's website. The sales price for any campaigns, discounts and similar applications is valid until the end of the announced period.

Payment can be made by credit card, wire transfer/EFT or other payment methods announced on the website, if available. If the BUYER prefers to make the purchase by credit card, the credit card and necessary information are transferred to the relevant payment institution without being recorded by the SELLER.

For installment transactions, the relevant provisions of the contract in force between the cardholder and the bank are valid. BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that the provisions of the Credit Card Agreement signed with his Bank will be applied. SELLER has no responsibility in these matters.

After the product is delivered to the BUYER, if the bank or financial institution does not pay the price of the product to the SELLER due to unfair or unlawful use of bank information by unauthorized persons, the BUYER is obliged to return the product he received to the SELLER within fourteen days. In this case, the SELLER does not bear the shipping costs.

Sales Price (TL including VAT) Payment Method

…......... …….............



In general and unless otherwise agreed, delivery costs belong to the BUYER. If the SELLER has declared that it will undertake all or part of the transportation costs for a limited period of time, such as the implementation of any campaign, or in the presence of some special conditions, this is valid until the end of the period specified in the announcement or in the presence of the specified special conditions.

In order to protect its legal rights, the BUYER is responsible for checking the product upon receipt and keeping a report with the cargo company when it detects a broken product, torn packaging, damaged, defective or a problem caused by the cargo during delivery.

Information regarding shipping costs is notified to the BUYER by the SELLER via the website and also with this form, before the order is approved and the BUYER becomes obliged to pay.


The estimated delivery time for the order is 1 to 3 days. In any case, this period cannot exceed 30 days for goods sales, except for contracts regarding goods prepared in line with the BUYER's request or personal needs. Delivery is made to the BUYER or the person or organization specified by the BUYER at the above mentioned address of the BUYER. In case of non-delivery within this period, the BUYER has the right to terminate the contract. SELLER is responsible for delivering the product intact, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order and with warranty documents and usage instructions, if any.

SELLER is responsible for losses and damages that occur until the goods are delivered to the BUYER or a third party determined by the BUYER other than the carrier.

If the BUYER requests the goods to be sent by a carrier other than the carrier declared by the SELLER on the site, the SELLER is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur after the delivery of the goods to the relevant carrier. In addition, if the BUYER requests the goods to be sent by a carrier other than the carrier specified by the SELLER, the shipping costs will be borne by the BUYER.

The delivery of the goods by the SELLER to the carrier is not considered as delivery to the BUYER.

The SELLER's obligation to deliver the product is subject to the electronic approval of this contract and the BUYER's payment of the product price. If, for any reason, the contract is not approved electronically, the product price is not paid, or the payment is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is relieved of its obligation to deliver the product.

If the BUYER requests the delivery of the product subject to the contract to a third party other than himself and this third party does not accept the delivery, the SELLER cannot be held responsible.


BUYER has the right to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days without giving any reason and without paying any penalty.
The right of withdrawal period is the day the contract was established in contracts regarding the performance of services; In contracts regarding the delivery of goods, it starts on the day the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the goods. However, the BUYER may also exercise his right of withdrawal within the period from the establishment of the contract to the delivery of the goods.

In determining the period of right of withdrawal;

  1. For goods that are subject to a single order and delivered separately, the day when the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the last goods.
  2. In case of goods consisting of more than one piece, the day when the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the last piece,
  3. In contracts where regular delivery of goods is made for a certain period of time, the day when the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the first goods is taken as basis.

In contracts where the delivery of goods and the performance of services are made together, the right of withdrawal provisions regarding the delivery of goods apply.
Withdrawal notification, within the right of withdrawal period;

  1. Via the Withdrawal Form on the SELLER's website or
  2. It can be sent in writing to the SELLER's address shown in this Agreement, with a clear statement stating the decision to withdraw.

In case the right of withdrawal is presented to the BUYER via the website, the SELLER immediately transmits to the BUYER the confirmation information that the BUYER's request for withdrawal has been received.

The BUYER is not responsible for any changes or deteriorations that occur if the product is used in accordance with its operation, technical specifications and usage instructions within the withdrawal period. Otherwise, the BUYER is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods.

The SELLER returns all payments collected, including the delivery costs of the goods to the BUYER, if any, within fourteen days from the date on which the goods subject to the right of withdrawal are delivered to the carrier specified below for return. However, if the BUYER returns the goods with a carrier other than the one specified for return, the payment refund will be made within fourteen days from the date the goods reach the SELLER.

If the right of withdrawal is exercised before the delivery of the goods, the SELLER shall return all payments collected, including the delivery costs of the goods to the BUYER, if any, within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the notification regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal.

In contracts regarding service performance, this period starts from the date on which the notification regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal reaches the SELLER.

The SELLER shall make all the refunds mentioned above, in accordance with the payment instrument used by the BUYER when purchasing, and without any other expense or expense to the BUYER, without prejudice to the BUYER's obligation to cover the return cost agreed upon in the preliminary information and included in the return with the prescribed carrier. It does it all at once without any obligation.

If the payment is made by credit card, card issuing institutions within the scope of the Debit Cards and Credit Cards Law No. 5464; The SELLER is obliged to add the amount transferred by the SELLER to the card holder's available limit at once upon receipt. In these cases, the SELLER is not responsible for the time it takes for these organizations to add the amount transferred by the SELLER to the said organizations to the BUYER's limit.

The BUYER must send the goods back to the SELLER within 14 days from the date of notification that he/she has exercised his/her right of withdrawal.

In case the right of withdrawal is exercised, the carrier specified by the SELLER for the return is Sürat Kargo. If the goods are returned through this cargo company within the scope of the right of withdrawal, the BUYER is obliged to cover the return cost in the amount of ……….
If the specified cargo company does not have a branch in the BUYER's location, the BUYER can send the goods he wants to return to the SELLER through any cargo company that has a branch in his location, without paying any return costs, with a counter payment. However, although the specified cargo company has a branch in the BUYER's location, if the goods are returned with a carrier other than this cargo company, the BUYER is obliged to cover the return costs. If the BUYER requests, the return cost can be deducted from the price of the goods or services to be returned and the delivery costs. However, if the goods delivered to the BUYER are defective within the scope of Article 8 of the Consumer Protection Law, the BUYER will not be held responsible for the expenses related to the return.

Any returns must be made together with the product invoice, the original box and packaging of the product, and any add-ons and accessories. If the invoice of the product to be returned is in the name of a legal entity acting for commercial or non-professional purposes, the relevant legal entity must issue a return invoice and send it to the SELLER together with the product in order to complete the return process.

In case of falling below the campaign, discount and advantage limit amount organized by the SELLER due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal; The applied campaign, discount or advantage is cancelled.

The right of withdrawal CANNOT be used in the following contracts;

a) Contracts regarding goods or services whose prices change depending on fluctuations in the financial markets and which are not under the control of the SELLER.
b) Contracts regarding goods prepared in line with the BUYER's wishes or personal needs.
c) Contracts for the delivery of goods that can quickly deteriorate or expire.

ç) Goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; Contracts regarding the delivery of those whose return is not suitable in terms of health and hygiene.
d) Contracts regarding goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature.
e) Contracts regarding books, digital content and computer consumables presented in tangible form, provided that the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal and package have been opened after the delivery of the goods.
f) Contracts regarding the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, other than those provided within the scope of the subscription agreement
g) Contracts regarding the use of free time for accommodation, goods transportation, car rental, food and beverage supply and entertainment or recreation, which must be made on a certain date or period.
g) Contracts regarding services performed instantly in electronic environment or intangible goods delivered instantly to the BUYER.
h) Contracts regarding services whose performance started with the approval of the BUYER before the right of withdrawal expires.
i) Contracts regarding movables that must be registered in accordance with the Highway Traffic Law No. 2918 dated 13/10/1983 and unmanned aerial vehicles that require registration or registration.
i) Contracts regarding mobile phones, smart watches, tablets and computers delivered to the consumer.
j) Contracts concluded through auction in the form of live auction.
k) Contracts regarding the installation or assembly of the goods specified in the introduction and user manual to be installed or assembled by the seller or authorized service.


Your complaints and suggestions regarding your orders, the products subject to your orders, the shipping and delivery processes of your orders and similar issues; available on the website; We kindly ask you to share it with us via contact . Your complaints will be recorded immediately and evaluated by authorized units; As a result, you will be informed through the contact you prefer.

However, in case of disputes regarding your transactions and purchases; will be determined according to the value declared by the Ministry of Customs and Trade every year; The Provincial and District Consumer Arbitration Committees in the place where the consumer transaction is made or the consumer's residence is located and the Consumer Courts in the place where the consumer transaction is made or the consumer's residence is located are authorized and authorized.

This Preliminary Information Form is an annex and an integral part of the Distance Sales Agreement, which was approved and established electronically between the parties.

With the Distance Sales Agreement , this preliminary information form is sent to your e-mail address. The SELLER keeps information and documents regarding each transaction regarding its obligations regarding the right of withdrawal, information, delivery and other matters electronically for three years.

HISTORY :............

Net 70% Discount Campaign

Natural Scarves, Shawls 50% Discount on 2nd Product
  • Natural scarves and shawls are included in the campaign and the second product is 50% off.
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